Current distribution of uhub provides the following plugins:
mod_example | Example plugin suitable for testing and development purpose. |
mod_auth_simple | Database of registered users in text format. |
mod_auth_sqlite | Sqlite database of registered users. |
mod_chat_history | Logs main chat into memory, history is cleared on hub restart. |
mod_chat_history_sqlite | Logs main chat history into sqlite database. |
mod_extras | Provides extra features like news, list of friendly hubs etc. |
mod_joins | Gives users the possibility to set their own message shown to others on login. |
mod_logging | Logs user info on login and logout in text format. |
mod_logging_sqlite | Logs user info on login and logout into sqlite database. |
mod_patterns | Antispam protection for chat messages and user info checker based on PCRE pattern matching. |
mod_restict | Sets rights to search, download, chat and send private messages. |
mod_topic | Front-end editor of hub topic/description. |
mod_welcome | Sends users login message and hub rules. |