This document describes how to install uhub MiMic branch on Linux distributions. For the purposes of this manual, we presume the working folder is your home folder at the beginning.
apt-get install libpcre3 libpcre3-dev
emerge libpcre
apt-get install cmake
emerge cmake
Use this option if your distro has older verion than 2.8.2 in the repositories. The script extracts binaries of cmake to selected path, default as a subfolder cmake-2.8.9-Linux-i386.
chmod +x
It is possible to install uhub MiMic Mod using a script. You can browse online or download it here.
Download the latest source.
If you installed cmake to PATH (from repositories):
cd uhub
cmake CMakeLists.txt
make install
If you installed cmake with install script:
cmake-2.8.9-Linux-i386/bin/cmake ~/uhub/CMakeLists.txt
cd ~/uhub
make install
uhub can be installed with some options. These are:
cmake -D
We want to disable SSL support and PCRE support (this will disable all plugins using PCRE and hub will not be able to run in ADCS mode). Presuming uhub source is in your home directory and cmake installed in PATH.
cd ~/uhub
cmake -DSSL_SUPPORT=OFF -DPCRE_SUPPORT=OFF ~/uhub/CMakeLists.txt
After makefiles are configured, just make and install the binaries.
make install